Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Locals

Well I have been here a little over a week now. It has been busy but fun. I have gotten into a grove as to how things will be over the next while. We work with some locals and they wanted to do a BBQ for us. A little scary eatting new food but it was great. I love the bread.

An interesting BBQ grill they had. They would hand wrap the meat around a sword looking thing, then they put it onto a peice of wide flange. the coals are under it and they have a blower from and old car's A/C system to blow the coals. It was interesting to see this done.

And here we are enjoying.

This picture is for my Nicole, Kelly, Janis, and all you other Diet Coke drinkers. Everything here is in Arabic and I thought the can was neat.

And if it has anything bad in it and you don't read arabic then you will never know.

1 comment:

M-n-M said...

Well apparently the food must be safe, because you are still alive to post this. I must be able to read arabic because I knew instantly that it was diet coke - haha. Keep up with the posting it is nice seeing how things are going.
M&m& B