Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Movement to my new home in Iraq

Well I am now where I will call home for the next while. We got here a couple of days ago and it was quite the trip. It is nice however to be getting settled into what I will be doing over the rest of my tour. Unfortunately there is not much that I can say about what that is but I will say that I am very safe where I am and I will not be short of things to do. I was able to capture so good pictures of our helicoter trip.

Here is a small part of my team that I am in charge of prior to heading out.

Here is our helicotper coming into the landing zone. These things put off a lot of prop wind.

Our lead chopper flying over Iraq.

I believe that this is the Tigras River. This is one the main rivers flowing through Iraq.

I love this picture, a prop in the setting sun. I took this will one hand because I had to hold on, it was a bumpy ride. It was a good ride and it is good to be here. I would rather be home but that is just not an option now. I will post more when I can.


stan.deidra@gmail.com said...

Nice pictures! It's good to know you are where you are supposed to be. Now to settle in.... Hope you have a good birthday. Love you.

Dave O said...

Keep posting! The photos are great. Stay safe.