Well we have all the good things in life here. Life just could not be better...let me tell you what.
Here you can see that we have the finest of coolers for ice cold water. And for coffee we have the finest the "lowest bidder to the military" has to offer, brewed fresh every morning. You might ask why is there no sugar and creamer around, with this coffee it is so good you don't need it.
Here you see that we have cozy living conditions. The bed feels like a hammock and the pillows are nice and soft. The roomy locker provides enough space for ones gear. Oh and I cannot fail to mention that it is an open area where 39 other soldiers live so I get to hear all of them snore at night! Can life get any better...I submit that it cannot.
AND THE FOOD. Oh my oh my is this great! Salad with dressing umm. Rice with something resembling brown gravy. And a slab of breaded veal. Top it off with a Styrofoam cup of Coke. And nothing better shows the manliness of a soldier like a piece of cake with pink frosting. This is just great. Who would turn this down?
I know this must look tempting to be a part of but it is a limited amount of people that get in on this action. Call your local recruiter to see if you have what it takes to live this glamorous life style. And if you are lucky you can have all this. Oh yeah and the best part is they can take you away from your family for an entire year.
If you couldn't tell....I AM NOT SERIOUS!!!